Porcodile for Men Sprey in Pakistan
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Increase Sexual Stamina and Ejaculation Timing Upto 45 Minutes.
BENEFITS: Porcodile Men Timing Spray
- Long Timing Increase Upto 20-30 Mins
- No Any Side Effects
- Long Lasting Erection
- Easy To Use. Fast Result Within 5 minutes
- Long Enjoyment for female Partner
HOW TO USE: How Works Porcodile Delay Spray
Apply 15 Minutes before sexual activity at half length of penis. From Front Cap to Center of penis.
- Use 15 minutes before intercourse.
- Wash your penis 1st.
- Apply 3 short sprays on penis.
- 1st on the top of penis, 2nd on the center of penis & 3rd on below part of penis.
SIZE: 100ml
MADE IN: Germany
DELIVERY: Porcodile for Men Sprey
Cash on Delivery Through TCS. Home delivery service. or You can also collect by self from nearest TCS office.
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